What's there to write? I don't really know. I wanted to document my daily activities here, maybe weekly but when you are studying veterinary medicine and have a 8 to 5 classes daily, the time isn't there and majorly, there's nothing to write about, just class, hostel and then class. Have I even told you how I ended up in Veterinary medicine? Oh, no. That's probably a story for another day. My week's highlight was basically Introductory Surgery test that was "toxic". I expected it though, it was a combined test of 4 parts , there was a lot to read and very little time. We mostly do our test in parts for ease supposedly (still hard ngl) , but as Surgery Depeartment would have it, they opted for the combined test and there was nothing we could do. Surgery isn't supposed to be hard , you know, more practical, less theory and it's the introductory part but it is what it is. In all the "rogbodiyan", I managed to watch a Yoruba m...
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