What's there to write?
I don't really know. I wanted to document my daily activities here, maybe weekly but when you are studying veterinary medicine and have a 8 to 5 classes daily, the time isn't there and majorly, there's nothing to write about, just class, hostel and then class.
Have I even told you how I ended up in Veterinary medicine? Oh, no. That's probably a story for another day.
My week's highlight was basically Introductory Surgery test that was "toxic". I expected it though, it was a combined test of 4 parts , there was a lot to read and very little time. We mostly do our test in parts for ease supposedly (still hard ngl) , but as Surgery Depeartment would have it, they opted for the combined test and there was nothing we could do. Surgery isn't supposed to be hard , you know, more practical, less theory and it's the introductory part but it is what it is.
In all the "rogbodiyan", I managed to watch a Yoruba movie , I'm not really a fan of the genre as I watch more of American series, the storyline, not that interesting but I get to see a mad man prophesize, sound familiar? Yeah
I am Yoruba and we were somehow thought to respect a mad person with this strange cliché that they know things from beyond, they speak words into existence or they somehow are prophets. I get it, they should be treated right as they're humans and probably found themselves in those situations, but saying they're prophets or some sort is totally out of it! They can't even process what they say or do properly!
I met Kafilah too over the weekend (I'm not a fan of her name ngl), she seems interesting. I saw her walking by, a well dressed lady , I had to approach her. I told her I wanted to friends and we talked at length. I don't want to push it but I've started liking her, I don't want it to end abruptly like it did with Fatimah.
I love Fatimah but she's with someone else and you know, I had to follow the golden rules, cut all ties, you don't befriend a lady that you love.
But what's even "Love"?
Who knows?
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